Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gracie's First Dance Recital

Gracie totally rocked her first dance recital this weekend!  She was worried she would be nervous to have an audience watching, but if she was she didn't show it.  Just sweetness and grace.  She really loves to dance.  When she grows up she wants to be a mommy and a dance teacher.  


These kids are experts at waiting.  We are hanging out at Shriners at the moment, waiting to see the doctor, this time for Micah's scoliosis.  Micah has been sedated ten times in the last year.  Now we wait to hear if spine surgery is on the horizon.  He's one tough cookie, and all six of these little ones are awesomely waiting.  Sometimes it seems like they spend half their waking hours doing medical stuff and therapy stuff.  They are such great kids.