How do we explain? How do we explain to a judge who is not familiar with adoption that these two little boys are beautiful and worthy, and that we love them and want to be their family? That God places the lonely in families, and that He has called us to the amazing calling of being His appointed family for these precious blessings? How to explain? We prayed all the way through the hearing, prayed and held hands.
At first the judge indicated that we were not qualified to adopt these children, and was talking as though it was just not going to happen. We prayed. More talking in the courtroom. More questions. Then he said perhaps sometime next month he would see us again. We prayed some more. The judge listed several additional documents that he wants to see before he can proceed. Our awesome facilitator amazingly convinced the judge to see us again tomorrow. Tomorrow!
So that is the good news. Our facilitator is running around begging people for the documents right now, and we have court tomorrow at 3:15 pm. That's 5:15 am Pacific time, so anybody who wants to join us in prayer, we would really appreciate it.
All I can tell you is this: there is resistance here, and we need prayer! God can do all things. God does not want to leave these boys as orphans. God places the lonely in families. God loves these little boys so much. He has brought us this far. Provided everything we have needed so far. Kept the boys safe this long. He has not brought all of these things to this point only to have a judge deny this adoption. I have faith that God is bigger than this. I have faith that God has brought us to this point because He has a rescue plan for these boys, and we are trusting Him that He is in control. Please pray with us!
Praying Rachelle!!!
Oh I am praying!!!!!!!!
Praying for a changed heart when you return to court tomorrow. I was already fasting and praying today, so I'll add your family to the list of needs. Blessings.
Praying with you and for you. Cristina from Alabama
I am praying here. God will do this, and he's using you to break down barriers!
God bless you and your sweet family. I pray that God will touch the heart of the judge and that the scales will fall away from his eyes. You are bringing a bright light into a dark place and that can be blinding at first. Hang in there, we've got you covered in prayer. <3
I've been praying during your time at court this morning (in VA). Praying for the heart of the judge to be softened, praying your facilitator got the required documents, just praying!
Will have our church praying!
Praying! Stay strong for your little boys! They are so lucky to have you both
Praying here too Rachelle!!
Praying Rachelle!!! So hard for you guys!!!
We are praying!
Oh Rachelle--praying, praying, praying.
Definitely Praying! - Jennifer
Praying for you.
PRAYING!!!!Our FAITHFUL GOD is able to move MOUNTAINS!!!!
Praying here too and blogged about it to let others know!
Praying here. We also had a court that had never done an international adoption--they didn't even know if it was legal!! Oh Jesus, work in amazing ways.
praying here in agreement with you and Derek!
Praying for you guys!
Storming heaven's gates with prayers. Last year when I hit a big snag with my adoption, a friend sent me this verse. "Fear not. Be strong and courageous. Do not tremble and be dismayed. For I, the God of heaven and earth go with you. What I have put together no man can separate."
Praying here for your sweet boys and for you as well!!!
praying for God to work in the heart of the judge <3
We are praying for God to soften that judge's heart and that tomorrow you will be sweetly announcing that your are the proud parents of both boys.
praying with you!!!!!! So glad I saw this on FB!!! 8:15am on the East coast! Right there with you!!!!
I am praying! You know - my little sister had hydrocephalus. Even though she was born 34 years ago, she was born in the US and received surgery. My sister (who had a large portion of the right front lobe of her brain removed due to a massive brain hemorrhage AND multiple surgeries to put in and regulate a shunt for the hydrocephalus)... well, today she goes by DOCTOR Kate! She has worked as a University professor and at a facility that helps treat people with brain damage.
My brother-in-law was born with cerebral palsy. Oh... and he's a doctor too. He is on the forefront of developing treatment and behavioral therapies for autism here in the US.
Your *sons* are SO worth love - so worth a family and so worth a chance!
Hugs and prayers!
Praying for you and your two precious little boys. May the eyes, mind, and heart of the judge be opened to the blessings of adoption...
Susan in Ky
Cousin to 2 from EE
I am on your prayer team! God be glorified!!
Praying here too and invited others to do the same! As I was driving today, the song "Mighty to Save" came on the radio and I thought of you. "He WILL move those mountains!" I'll be up and praying in the morning. May the Lord fill your heart with PEACE.
Praying for you!!!
Praying that God will move mountains for you and your precious boys!
Our family will be praying, too!!! My boys have been praying for "Edwin" for so long, I'll tell my little warriors to pray right now!
Praying for the judge to feel the power of God's love.
Dear Family,
You do not know me, nor do I know you. I found your blog through a friend of mine. I am praying that the judge gives you favor and that you are able to save these precious angels. Through Christ all things are possible!! Have faith, and remember: Ask and it will be given to you, Seek and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 You are most certainly in my prayers!
Oh Rachelle! I am praying like crazy for you!
Praying for you now as you go into court.
We prayed through the day y'day and started lifting you up again this morning. You are NOT alone in assailing the Lord's throne on behalf of your beautiful boys! (((Hugs)))
We are praying for you!!!
Still praying!!
Waiting not so patiently for your post!!! ;)
Still praying. Sarah I hope the rumor is true!!!!
Still praying for your boys!! The silence has me so worried! Hoping it's just finicky international Internet.
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