I have never before contacted a Congressman. I've never had any need to until now. Well, I contacted our Congressman, Norm Dicks, just days ago and asked him if he could help us to convince the USCIS to expedite the processing of our paperwork. I heard back from him a couple of days ago and he said it would be helpful to get more information. So I told him everything that he asked for. Well, this morning I received the BEST phone call! A VERY NICE officer at the USCIS called to tell me that our fingerprint appointment letter is IN THE MAIL! She said that our very wonderful Congressman's contact caused them to move our file to the top of the stack! I am just SO HAPPY right now! Finally it feels like something is going right!
PLEASE PRAY that when we walk in next week, they will agree to process our fingerprints that day! Our appointment is October 24th, and we really are hoping to get this done much sooner than that. For those of you not familiar with the adoption world, it is very common to walk in early, and most families have success getting fingerprinted the day they walk in. Most, but NOT ALL. Sometimes families are turned away and told to come back on their appointment date. So we would really appreciate extra prayers about this.
We have been feeling some major stress about making the deadline, and suddenly today I feel like the sun has popped out from behind the clouds! I was really not expecting the Congressman to actually help, and I am so grateful to him for taking the time to make this happen for our boys!
So here's my to-do list for today:
Praise the Lord!
Do a happy dance!
Homeschool with my kids
Start a pot of soup
Bake some bread
Make some yogurt
Print out more dossier documents
Meet Derek at the bank to have the documents notarized
Fax the documents to our state-side helper for approval
Get everything ready for Isaac's birthday party (October 2nd my boy turns nine!)
Set up for tomorrow's garage sale
I think that ought to keep me busy until about midnight! (We have a huge heap of stuff to organize on a few very small tables for the garage sale . . . not sure where I'm going to put all that stuff!) But nothing can ruin my good mood today! We are going to get our boys VERY SOON! Woo hoo!