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Carolina 6 |
Girl, Born May 20, 2006
Carolina is such a beautiful girl; beautiful brown hair with olive skin. She has cerebral palsy, and does wear AFO’s on both feet.
From her medical records: Cerebral palsy, convergent squint, mental delay. She can walk by supporter or holding one hand. She says separate words, understands simple speech, is affectionate and friendly. Physical therapy and a loving family will bring MIRACLES for this little girl!
Carolina was transferred in 2011 to a boarding school (not an institution).
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Hudson 1 1/2 |
Boy, born October 2010
Eyes of Gray
Hair light brown
The nature affectionate, sociable
Cerebral palsy
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Daisy 7 |
Girl, born March 2005
Epilepsy; Other paralytic syndromes (cerebral palsy); Microcephaly; Coloboma of optic disc; Severe mental delays; intracranial injury
Daisy is a sweet flower who needs a family to really blossom! Otherwise, she’s destined to a life in an institution.
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Zeke 2 |
Boy, born approx January 2010
Zeke has cerebral palsy. He cannot hold his head up, sit, or move his limbs.
From someone who works with him:
Zeke is such a happy little guy. He loves to sit outside and watch the leaves blow in the wind. His eyes light up each time he is given attention. He loves to be held and even more loves to be tickled. Zeke has the cutest little dimples and a beautiful smile that can melt any ones heart! He is always in a good mood and very rarely cries. Even though his name was given to him recently, he already response to it! Zeke is a picky little guy and often requires special meals made for him as he doesn’t like what the other kids are having. He has only been here with us a short time, but has already touched many people’s lives. He is such a joy to be around and is loved dearly by his nannies, volunteers, and the other children!
Zeke is such a happy little guy. He loves to sit outside and watch the leaves blow in the wind. His eyes light up each time he is given attention. He loves to be held and even more loves to be tickled. Zeke has the cutest little dimples and a beautiful smile that can melt any ones heart! He is always in a good mood and very rarely cries. Even though his name was given to him recently, he already response to it! Zeke is a picky little guy and often requires special meals made for him as he doesn’t like what the other kids are having. He has only been here with us a short time, but has already touched many people’s lives. He is such a joy to be around and is loved dearly by his nannies, volunteers, and the other children!
Zeke has very little control of his muscles. We are hopeful that with the right therapy he will improve in these areas.
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Theodore 10 |
DOB: 2002
Diagnosis: spastic diplegia cerebral palsy (only effects lower body), severe malnutrition, lagging behind in all aspects of development.
Diagnosis: spastic diplegia cerebral palsy (only effects lower body), severe malnutrition, lagging behind in all aspects of development.
Theodore has spent his life in an orphanage where he’s received very little care for his physical, mental or emotional needs. As a result, he is very small for his age (this is a current photo of him at 10 years old). He’s recently undergone a series of tests and procedures at a hospital in his country to address some of his medical needs.
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Garnet 10 |
DOB: 2002
Diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy- quadriplegic
Diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy- quadriplegic
Garnet is 10 years old. She has spent her entire life in a crib. She can move her head and her upper body some. She is aware of everything going on around her and will follow activities with her eyes/head. She turns her head to look when people are talking. She can hold onto toys when they are given to her. She smiles at people when they talk to her and responds positively to touch.
She eats blended food from a bottle, though she is learning to eat from a spoon.
She eats blended food from a bottle, though she is learning to eat from a spoon.
Additional photos and videos from August 2012 of Garnet are available.
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Channah 10 |
DOB: Sept 9, 2002
Special need: cerebral palsy
Special need: cerebral palsy
Though she was diagnosed to have mental delays, it’s been noted that it’s like orphanage delays in general. She does will in day-to-day tasks. In the orphanage, she has much less education and very rare contact with the outside world compared to other children of same age.
She has been attending the special education class in the orphanage. Yet, she will go to the local special education school in mid-September.
She enjoys playing with balls, listening to music and dancing. She doesn’t like being ignored. She likes pink and green, and she likes wearing dresses.
She can walk and go upstairs with no problem. Every day she dresses up, takes the bath, eats and sorts out the bedding by herself. She can fully take care of herself.
Additional photos and video available.
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Evan 9 |
Boy, Born June 2003
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, epileptic syndrome, significant mental Retardation. Unable to walk, spastic/tight muscles. Evan is blessed to still be at the baby house (as of March 2010), but once he is transferred, he will spend the rest of his short life bedridden. Please consider being a loving family for Evan!
From a missionary who visited with him in March 2012: Evan is also in the boys new house where just 9 children are. He was gentle, lovey, cuddly and just so sweet. He is severely delayed but a gentle delight to be around and he loved stacking blocks with me. He was picked on quite a bit by the others who I saw hitting him. Felt so desperate for him.
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Josiah 5 |
Boy, born May 2007
Josiah has cerebral palsy. He can be very interactive and can comprehend what is being said to him. But he cannot sit, hold his head up, or roll over unassisted. He also has seizures that are being controlled with medication. He loves when people sing songs with him. Josiah is a very happy and loving boy. He is always full of smiles.
From someone who works with him:
We have had the privilege of caring for Josiah for 3 years. He is the oldest child in our care and has been with us longer than any other child. Josiah was abandoned at a nearby hospital when he was 1. Josiah has cerebral palsy and requires special care and attention. He has limited control over his movement and needs support when sitting. For 3 years, our nannies and staff have cared for Josiah, fed him and bathed him. Ask any person who has cared for Josiah though and they will say that they are the one who was blessed.
When you are with Josiah, it is clear that God’s love resides in Josiah. Josiah can’t talk, but he loves to smile and interact with anyone who will talk to him. Josiah cannot sing like most of us, but each day during nanny prayer and singing Josiah joins in with a big smile. Our deep desire is for Josiah to join his forever family through adoption. We have had difficulty finding that family, but we know that God has a plan for Josiah . We also know that where ever he goes, Josiah will be a blessing as his loved ones bless and care for him.
- Multiple unrelated children can be adopted together
- One parent must be at least 35 years old
- Parents must be married at least 10 years (or if close, prove they have known each other 10 years)
- The number of children can depend on other factors (marriage and parent age)
- Singles may currently adopt
- Past depression is OK, but must explain the circumstances and past and/or current treatment.
- If a criminal history/background, must be explained in detail.
- Travel is not required; however, it is strongly encouraged
- Travel for pick-up is also not required, but strongly encouraged. Escorts can be provided, for an extra cost. The trip for pick-up is usually about a week long, so you and the child could get to know each other well in their environment.
- ESTIMATED TOTAL: $10,320 – $10,570 roughly (plus travel)
Aren't they all beautiful? These children, and so many more, are featured at www.reecesrainbow.org
And how did we celebrate World Cerebral Palsy Day, you ask? We spent the day at Shriners Hospital in Portland, Oregon. The appointment was for Gideon, Blessing, and Micah, and let me tell you, it was LONG. It was THOROUGH. It was GRUELING. It was AMAZINGLY HELPFUL. Very long day, leaving at 4 am and arriving home at 7 pm, and I'm so glad to finally be home. We have a game plan. We have surgeries in the works. For all three of the kids. That's a whole other post! But the people at Shriners are so patient, and kid-friendly, and eager to help, and able to endure high noise levels . . . I just can't say enough good things about them! Thank you, Shriners!
We are close to Portland! If you need any help or company when the surgeries come around I would love, love, love to be of help any way I can. I mean it!
I hope you don't mind my asking - is Blessing your adopted child too, or a foster child? I must have missed when she entered your family, suddenly she was just there, appearing in your posts and being totally adorable :-)
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