Some moments from our sunny Saturday at the lake:
Gideon loves dogs, and Grandma's dog is so patient with him |
Micah scooted himself right into the sandbox and seemed thrilled
to be touching it and to watch the sand sift through his fingers |
- brothers - |
Gideon is a very fast crawler |
beautiful Blessing watches the other kids play |
I remember last year when I brought the kids to this lake I was sitting in the grass, watching them play, and wondering what Gideon and Micah would think of this lovely little play area. I was trying to imagine two little boys I had never met, laying in cribs on the other side of the world. And I was trying to imagine them really being here, at this park, in America, finally out of those cribs.
And today here they are, in the flesh, with sunshine on their faces and sand in their ears. They are free! Never again will they spend an entire day doing nothing but staring at the bars of their cribs. They are living the sort of life that little boys are supposed to live! My beautiful, silly, grubby, wonderful little boys!
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