Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Box of Joy

You have probably heard of Operation Christmas Child, right?  If not, it's an opportunity to fill a shoe box with gifts for a child who otherwise may not receive gifts for Christmas.  The boxes are shipped by Samaritan's Purse, an amazing ministry organization, all over the world, and presented to children who own very little.  In the hands of that child, it is a box of joy!  

Isaac was so excited to spend his hard-earned allowance on gifts to fill a shoebox this year.  He had a blast shopping, and trying to get the most for his money!  Now his only problem is trying to figure out how to cram all that good stuff into one tiny box!  

And because Isaac wants to be a movie-maker IS a movie-maker, he made the following video to share his ideas for how to pack a shoebox:  
Isaac is hoping and praying that this box may find it's way into the hands of one of his new brothers in Eastern Europe.  I think as he shopped he was picturing the box being opened by Gideon or Micah.  Stranger things have happened, I suppose, but I told him there are lots and LOTS of other kids who need a box, too.  All over the world!  And besides, HOPEFULLY his new brothers will be coming HOME right around then, and we can just shower them with gifts right here!  He is cool with that!  :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love this!! GREAT JOB ISAAC! :) Mom, you should get that on Youtube for the world to see! :)

Good luck getting that all in the box!! ;D