Monday, January 2, 2012

Just a 14 hour train ride away . . .

We are leaving for the train station in a couple of hours.  Finally leaving K**v and heading to the region where our boys were born.  They have been waiting for a mommy and daddy for five long years.  Please pray that tomorrow their wait will end!


Laura said...

I'm praying for you. Praying for the boys.

nicole said...

Soon Rachelle!! All your waiting will pay off! Praying God intercedes on your behalf before you even get there! Can't wait to see pics of your meeting!! XOXO from America! We'll be back soon!!

Julia said...


Yvonne said...

Congratulations! Have a great trip!! Can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

yah!!!! getting closer!! before you know you will hold them in your arms!! hugs!

Holly said...

YAY! How exciting!! I can't wait to hear how it went!!