Friday, July 15, 2011

It's Not a Suggestion

Every morning, to start off our homeschooling schedule, my kids and I read aloud from a beautiful little book together:

Every day there is a verse, and then a little letter, from the Lord to us.  Today I felt like the Lord was speaking directly to me, so I wanted to share the message, which is titled:


Trust God all the time. 
Tell Him all your problems. 
God is our protection.
~Psalm 62:8 (ICB)

Do not worry about tomorrow!  This is a command, not a suggestion.  I divided time into days for a reason--to make your life easier.

When you pick up the worries of tomorrow and carry them around today, it just makes today harder.  And it doesn't help tomorrow at all.  Sometimes you carry around the worries of next week, next month, or even next year!  You stumble and stagger under the weight of worries that I never meant for you to carry.

Don't just let go of your worries--get rid of them entirely by bringing them to Me.  Then concentrate on My Presence with you today.  I will give you all that you need, taking care of you--and helping with your problems--today.  Then tomorrow, I will do it all over again.  Trust me.

Thank you, Jesus, for that reminder!  Because it is so easy for me to go from preparing for this adoption and praying for this adoption and to cross right over into worrying and fretting about this adoption.  (Well, not just this adoption.  Actually just about every aspect of my life!)  Worry is one of those things that I keep trying to leave behind, and then I find myself worrying that I have been worrying.  Let's just say that a 31 year habit is not an easy one to break! 

But I have found that God is working in my heart in new and wonderful ways through this adoption journey.  I thought He and I were fine before.  And we were . . . fine.  But now I feel CLOSE to Him again, closer than I have been since my faith was fresh and new and I was fifteen years old.  I don't just read the Bible to say that I did.  I find myself reaching for it before my eyes are open each morning, because I am hungry for His presence.  Longing for intimacy with Him.  I am not saying this to tell you how saintly I am becoming, either!  But rather to testify how GREAT He is!  He has been moving in my heart and filling me with His spirit each morning. 

And when my heart is filled with His love, I am able to get out of bed, face the day, and let that love begin spilling out of my heart onto all of those around me.  And that is awesome! 

So the worry that I used to carry around with me every day, because it seemed like it was mine to carry?  Lately I really don't have much time for all of that.  I am too full of His love!  And when I forget and start to carry the worry of tomorrow, He is always there, waiting for me to give it back to Him.  So I can get back to doing what I am supposed to be doing.  Loving my little ones.  And trusting Him.

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